Pooling Resources for Safer Emergency Response in Highland, Indiana
Opticom EVP Improves Emergency Response for the Highland
“Grant writing was truly a team experience,” said Georgeff. “We shared ideas and information with a lot of people and organizations and that helped us write a more effective grant application. Now, we have a priority control system in place to improve emergency response services for everybody.” It is necessary to minimize wait times at intersections when traffic congestion is minimal.”
– Commander Georgeff
Located on the outskirts of the vibrant Chicago metropolitan area, Highland, IN, presents a unique blend of cultural richness and tranquility. With a population of nearly 24,000, emergencies can arise anytime, anywhere. Before the implementation of Opticom emergency vehicle preemption technology, first responders faced uncertain navigation through 35 traffic light-controlled intersections, impacting emergency response times.
Unlock the case study to learn more about our success in Highland.
Highland Police Commander, George Georgeoff, recognized the critical need for prioritized green lights to expedite emergency response. A collision involving a detective responding to a bank robbery underscored the urgency. This accident drove Highland to search for a life-saving solution, which led them to Opticom.
Opticom Radio’s secure communications and geolocation of data offered unprecedented advantages, especially in environments with restricted visibility. Opticom multimode components bridged the legacy needs with newer technology, ensuring seamless mutual aid operations.
Transformative Outcomes with Opticom
- 75% in labor cost savings
- Remote, quick access to new updates
- Rapid deployment
- Easy maintenance with swift identification and resolution of system downtimes
- Immediate access to data, identifying route improvements