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Miovision Scout® Plus

Collect traffic data you can trust. 

Miovision’s solutions give you the accurate, verifiable, and trusted data you need to make your mobility plans successful.

Based on feedback from our customers, and building on


1 million traffic data studies | 30 billion vehicles and | 1.5 billion pedestrians counted, 


Miovision Scout® Plus is a portable video-based data collection solution that collects all data types, operates with verifiable accuracy, and has the safest and fastest deployment for comprehensive data collection studies.
The device’s onboard processing and automatic uploading of Road Volume Data Counts (ATR) and Speed data allow immediate access and validation of results back at the office.


Reliable Choice For Data Collection - Miovision

Ein Gerät zum Erfassen aller Datenarten – Miovision

One Device to Collect all Data Types, Verifiable Accuracy

Whether you need to count vehicles or make roads safer, you can collect everything you need  – safety studies, volume counts, TMCs, pedestrian/bicycle pathways, and speed data – with a single device. 

  • 95% Data Accuracy* for all uploaded video studies
  • Speed data 90-95% accuracy at the 85th percentile speed in kph/mph** 
  • Up to 4 lanes with one device
  • Cost-effective, upgradable

*Data on file for uploaded video 
**Data on file

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The following studies are available with Miovision Scout® Plus:

Zählungen an Straßenkreuzungen Icon

Intersection Counts (TMC)

Track the journey of each vehicle from the moment it enters an intersection to the moment it exits. Pedestrian volumes on crosswalks can be added if needed.

Sicherheitsstudien Icon

Miovision Safety Studies

Identify near-misses and employ multiple factors to predict the risk of a severe incident. This enables traffic engineers to mitigate these risks before collisions happen.

Road Volume Data Counts (ATR)*

Measure the total amount of traffic, neatly segmented by travel direction and road lanes. You can easily count vehicles in multiple lanes (even those traveling in the opposite direction) for a complete picture.

Zählung auf Rad- und Fußwegen Icon

Pathway Counts

Track the movements of pedestrians and cyclists along bike lanes or pathways to aid in the planning of safer and more efficient routes.

Zählung an Ein-/Ausfahrten Icon

Junction Counts

Record all types of turning movements from pedestrians or cyclists from any direction. Track subtle changes in travel direction to better understand the complexity of your junctions.

Zählungen an Kreisverkehren Icon

Roundabout Counts

Capture every twist and turn of vehicle movements from the point at which they enter the roundabout right up to the point they leave it.

Geschwindigkeitsdaten Icon

Speed Data*

Analyze vehicle speed by classification to pinpoint risk events and create safer streets for all.


*Available via onboard processing.

Miovision Scout® Plus Battery Charger

is your reliable, efficient charging station for the Miovision Scout Plus rechargeable Li-ion batteries.

  • Designed for Miovision Scout Plus rechargeable batteries.

  • Charges up to four batteries simultaneously, in less than ten hours.

  • Visual indicators display charging status for your convenience.

  • Space-saving design for versatile use in any environment.

  • Durable: Built to withstand the rigors of daily use.

Erfassen von Mobilitätsdaten – Miovision

It can be complex and costly to collect mobility data, requiring multiple devices to capture vehicle counts and class, and another device to capture vehicle speed. With Miovision Scout Plus, AI algorithms, and cellular connectivity enable instant onboard video processing of ATRs and Speed studies with remote access to data for review and validation. Data is auditable and verifiable for all study types to ensure accuracy.
Miovision Scout Plus is upgradable over time, allowing additional onboard processing study types, outlined below, and features as they become available, maximizing the device's lifespan and value.

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Understanding traffic patterns and trends can help urban planners design roads, intersections, and transportation hubs that accommodate current and future needs, enhancing mobility and connectivity for everyone.

Miovision Scout® Plus is the Safest, Most Reliable Choice for Data Collection in the Field

Forget juggling multiple devices. Whether your goal is to analyze vehicle flow or enhance road safety, you can collect everything you need – safety studies, volume counts, TMCs, pedestrian/bicycle pathway and speed data – with a single device.

Skalierbarkeit trifft auf Flexibilität Icon

Scalability Meets Customization

Whether you’re counting vehicles, bikes, or people, you can collect everything you need (volume counts, TMCs, and speed data) with a single device. For larger or complex study sites, deploying extra devices is a breeze.

Fernwartung für kürzere Außeneinsätze Icon

Remote Management for Reduced Field Time

Cellular connectivity enables 24/7 remote access to monitor studies and the equipment in the field, all from the comfort of your office.

Präzise, verifizierbare Daten Icon

Accurate, Verifiable Data

Industry-leading AI algorithms and visual inspections by Miovision technicians ensure that traffic data is 95+% accurate and consistent for all study types, verifiable through video upload.

Überall und bei jedem Wetter

All Weather, All Regions

Miovision Scout® Plus is a fully connected, industry-leading, portable, camera-based traffic data collection device. Rugged, reliable and weather-resistant, Scout can operate unattended in the field for days at a time.

Einfacher Einsatz und Transport Icon

Effortless Deployment and Transport

Set up can be completed within 10 minutes. Take down is even faster. Modular design makes it easy to stack and transport by car or truck.

Safety By Design Icon

Safety by Design

With remote monitoring capabilities, there’s no need for road entry during setup or for unplanned site visits, virtually eliminating worker safety risks and reducing labor costs.

2,000 Data Collection customers world wide

Since 2005, we have 2,000 customers in 68 countries, 13,000 cities, 10M hours of processing data, 30B vehicles counted, 1.5B pedestrians counted.

Data Collectors

CJ Hensch
Gram Traffic NTX Logo Gram Traffic NTX
The Traffic Group Logo The Traffic Group
Peggy Malone & Associates Logo Peggy Malone & Associates
Connection Systems Logo Connection Systems bv
Data Collect Services SA Logo DataCollect Services SA

Engineering Firms

Bernard Gruppe Logo BERNARD Gruppe ZT GmbH
Gewalt Hamilton Associates Logo Gewalt Hamilton Associates
HDS Australia Logo HDS Australia
Aecom Logo AECOM
Trafikia Logo Trafikia AB
McElhanney Logo McElhanney

DOTs & States

Caltrans District 3 Logo Caltrans District 3
Indiana DOT Logo Indiana DOT
Michigan DOT Logo Michigan DOT
Illinois DOT Logo Illinois DOT
New Mexico DOT
Connecticut DOT Logo Connecticut DOT

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    Recap of ITS America Conference & Expo - Phoenix
