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Miovision Code of Conduct


The Code of Conduct (“the Code”) sets forth the standards by which we act and behave as a Company. As employees, leaders and owners at Miovision it provides a guide to your responsibility to achieve the highest possible standard of ethical behavior as representatives of Miovision. It asks anyone representing Miovision and our interests to use good judgement in all situations. It asks that those we partner with be they customers, suppliers, vendors or partners uphold this code as well. It reflects our Core Values and the mission of our company to uphold social responsibility in our business dealings. Our Code of Conduct serves to ensure that all employees, contractors and associates of Miovision;

  • Live our Core Values

  • Check your ego at the door, act with humility and stand in another’s perspective;

  • Always engage in honest and ethical conduct;

  • Use their best judgement;

  • Act with integrity and treat people with respect;

  • Avoid conflicts of interest; Keep information confidential;

  • Show courage and conviction to ensure violations of conduct and ethics are not tolerated;

  • Comply with applicable laws;

  • Help to ensure that Miovision’s resources and financial integrity are safeguarded and used responsibly.


At Miovision, we are committed to creating a culture of integrity and ethical behaviour. The guidelines outlined herein are not lip service or nice to haves, they are imperatives that guide our behaviours, our intentions and shape our programs, goals and objectives. Our Code of Conduct is governed by our Core Values. Our Core Values are woven into everything we do.

Complacency is NOT an Option

This goes to the heart of our Code of Conduct. It implies a culture of “see something, say something”. We will not allow stereotypes, harmful behaviors or actions to take root. We are not complacent in our integrity and ethics.

Passion for Success

We understand that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. By winning together and relentlessly pursuing our goals including our goal of building, growing and maintaining an inclusive and diverse culture, we will strive for excellence.

Value Individuals

We appreciate and celebrate differences and diversity at Miovision. We value differing perspectives and seek to understand individual experiences. Focus on this allows us to innovate, collaborate and leverage the vast array of experiences and backgrounds to improve and strengthen our culture, our products and our customer experience.

Customer First We

strive to take a customer first approach in everything we do. Whether this is going above and beyond to provide an excellent customer experience or providing collaborative and thoughtful support for our internal teams, we will look at everything we do through the lens of the customer first. We will leave our egos at the door and bring a curious humility to our efforts.


Every Miovision director, officer, employee (collectively referred to as “employees”), consultant, partner and contractor of Miovision’s consolidated group of companies must adhere to the standards outlined in this Code of Conduct. Employees are required to read, understand and acknowledge this policy at least once a year.


Ethical behavior is not just a list of the do’s and don’ts. While we cannot cover every situation, we ask that you leverage this policy to guide your approach, behavior and understand your responsibility in maintaining the highest possible standard of ethical behavior and conduct in all our business dealings.

When in doubt, employees should seek guidance from their People Operations team or their leader. If you see something you believe is in violation of or inconsistent with this policy, you have a responsibility to say something. If you aren’t sure whether a situation applies to the Code, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is it fair?

  • Is it legal?

  • Is it in compliance with our policies and standards?

  • Does it comply with occupational Health & Safety laws and internal policies?

  • Would it be OK if you were the affected employee, supplier, contractor, or shareholder?

  • Would it be OK if it were publicized?

  • Could it harm our people, strategy, assets or IP?

  • Could it harm the Miovision brand?

  • Does it align to our Core Values?

We’ve broken the policy into several sections to provide clarity on the various focus areas for the Code. Some sections are covered by separate, more fulsome policies such as Workplace Violence and Harassment which employees and leaders will also be required to familiarize themselves with.


Integrity and Respect

At Miovision we treat everyone with respect, we do not tolerate bullying, harassment, discrimination, or behavior that seeks to belittle or undermine individuals. We speak up if it happens to us or if we see it happening to someone else. We act with integrity in our dealings with fellow employees, vendors, suppliers, contractors and the larger business community.

Some guiding principles:

  1. Use honesty, integrity and respect to guide our communications, behavior and decision making.

  2. Always strive to consider the impact of our behavior on others.

  3. Report any violations or suspected violations of the Code.

  4. Do not engage in deceptive, unfair or unethical business practices.

  5. Do not engage in illegal, unethical or underhanded competition.

  6. Do not act maliciously towards anyone.

Equal Opportunity

Discrimination or harassment of any kind based on race, culture, religion, sexual orientation, gender, neurodiversity, physical ability, age or any other characteristic is strictly prohibited. We strive for a culture of inclusivity and value differing perspectives. In accordance with applicable federal and provincial law, the Company will provide reasonable accommodation to those individuals requiring accommodation unless doing so would create undue hardship on Miovision. Any employee who requires accommodation in order to perform the essential functions of the job should contact their leader, or the People Operations team and request an accommodation in writing.

Harassment, Discrimination & Violence

At Miovision we are committed to building a company and environment where all people feel safe, secure and can work in an environment that respects all people’s rights, race, culture, religion, sexual orientation, gender, neurodiversity, physical ability, age and dignity. We do not tolerate any acts of harassment, discrimination or violence against or by any employee or associate of Miovision. All employees are personally accountable and responsible to enforce this whether it happens to you or you see it happen to someone else. For more information, please refer to our Workplace Violence Discrimination & Harassment Policy.

Zero Tolerance for Retaliation

It is often difficult to speak up in difficult or tense situations, but it is always the right thing to do. Employees who speak up in good faith if they observe a violation of this Code or other company policies will be provided with support. Retaliation for reporting a violation will never be tolerated. No one who raises a concern, asks for advice or submits a complaint under this Code should be made to suffer harassment or an adverse employment consequence because of these actions. All claims of retaliation will be taken very seriously and thoroughly investigated with appropriate disciplinary measures taken if found to be evident.

If you retaliate directly or indirectly against a person who has questioned or reported a violation of this Code in good faith you will be subject to disciplinary action.

Health & Safety

Miovision is committed to the health and safety of its employees while engaging in any work-related activities. We continually strive to prevent and protect employees from preventable injuries and occupational illnesses.

We make every reasonable effort to provide a safe and healthy work environment as outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act. In addition, our commitment to the safety and health of our employees will be reflected in our ongoing efforts to reach beyond the statutory minimums.

Safety, however, must also be a personal commitment. Hazards in the workplace can only be controlled by active involvement by everyone; therefore, Miovision requires that all its employees and managers share its dedication to health, safety and incident prevention.

Managers and Team Leads will be held accountable for the health and safety of employees. They are responsible for ensuring employees perform their duties in compliance with the established safe work practices and procedures. In addition, it is the responsibility of the Managers and Team Leads to ensure employees receive adequate training to complete their specific work tasks and to make them aware of and protect them from any known potential risks or hazards associated with the tasks.

Every employee must protect his or her own health and safety by working in compliance with the Safety Act and its Regulations, as well as follow the safe work practices and procedures established by the company.

Employment Standards

Miovision follows and complies with all applicable employment, labour and human rights legislation. Including fair compensation practices, accessibility standards, health and safety and employment standards.



While we aim to be open and transparent internally (“inside the tent”), we expect employees to assume all information is confidential externally (“outside the tent”). Under Miovision’s Corporate Confidential Information Policy we describe in detail the expectations on all employees to safeguard Miovision’s confidential information and assets. Improper use or disclosure of confidential information could seriously damage our reputation, expose us to liability and cause harm to our business and our brand. Employees are expected to always protect confidential information from unauthorized disclosure, including disclosure to other employees if it is not necessary to their role.

Protecting Our Intellectual Property

Miovision’s intangible assets, including our trademarks, logos, copyrights, inventions, patents, domain names, designs, trade secrets etc. are among our most valuable assets. Unauthorized or improper use can lead to a loss in their value and open us up to losses in market share and impact our customers and shareholders. Our intellectual property should not be used, provided, or shared without the proper safeguards in place such as a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), License, or contract agreement.

We respect the proprietary rights and assets of others including both tangible and intangible assets which may fall under Intellectual Property Rights. We also endeavor to ensure that we seek to protect the intellectual property of others by ensuring we have appropriate licensing and consent.

Responsible Use of Miovision’s Resources

As an employee of Miovision you are provided with company assets, benefits and perks that include your laptop or computer equipment, software, supplies, and budgeted funds. These assets should be treated with honesty, respect and used responsibly. Keep in mind that these resources are the property of Miovision, and we trust employees to act with integrity. When using these assets, always prioritize the business need first. Please remember that any information sent, received or stored on Miovision assets is considered an asset of Miovision. When in doubt, discuss with your leader or your HR Business Partner to understand the boundaries and processes associated with managing these assets responsibly and respectfully.

All employees should review the Miovision Acceptable Use Policy for more information on the handling of Miovision’s corporate assets. Employees are also bound by our Corporate Mobile Device Policy and should ensure they act in accordance with these policies. All employees are considered ambassadors of Miovision and as such their behaviour and actions reflect on Miovision.

Financial Integrity

As a venture funded Company, we are committed to ensuring we invest in a responsible manner to deliver on commitments made to our investors and shareholders. As an employee of Miovision you are given access to funding to support your work, role and the achievement of the Company’s strategy. Funds must only be used for legitimate business purposes. All employees are expected to maintain the highest standard of financial integrity and to ensure that expenses incurred are in line with corporate guidelines, policies, corporate goals and budgets. If you aren’t sure whether an expense is warranted or within these boundaries discuss it with your leader before incurring the expense. Remember that funding for various activities is not for personal gain, it is there to support the needs of the business. Accurate, complete and timely records must be kept supporting all costs incurred.

General Guidelines for Use of Assets

Below are guidelines to consider when determining how Miovision assets should be used:

Approved Uses of Miovision Assets:

  1. Legitimate business use.

  2. Approved spend for role specific requirements.

Prohibited Uses of Miovision Assets:

  • Non-Miovision purposes, including for any outside business(es).

  • In a manner that reflects negatively on Miovision.

  • Unlawful or offensive activities.

Compliance with Domestic & Foreign Laws

We comply with all applicable laws of the countries where we conduct business. It is the responsibility of Employees to understand and comply with laws that relate to their work. Employees should seek the advice of their Leader, Legal Counsel, Financial Operations or People Operations if they have questions about domestic or foreign laws that relate to their work.


Conflicts of Interest

We expect employees to put the interests of Miovision first by ensuring that your judgement and decision-making ability is not compromised by personal gain, interest or relationships. Key to this is transparency and disclosure – when in doubt discuss an outside opportunity or engagement with your leader or People Operations team member.

A Conflict of Interest may exist when:

  1. Your personal interests, or the interests of your friends or family interfere or appear to interfere with Miovision’s interests or your work here.

  2. You have an incentive to benefit yourself, your friends or family at a cost to Miovision.

  3. You, your friends or family improperly benefit because of your position with Miovision.

We expect that you do not compete or use your position at Miovision to gain opportunities, information or property for personal gain. Use the questions below to determine if you are exercising judgement with integrity and respect:

  1. Is it dishonest or untrustworthy?

  2. Is it inconsistent with Miovision’s policies, standards and Core Values?

  3. Does it put Miovision in a compromised position?

  4. Does it create a conflict of interest between Miovision and my personal affairs?

  5. Does it jeopardize workplace safety or the environment?

  6. Does it disrespect any work colleague, customer, business partner or the community?

  7. Does it misuse or improperly reveal Miovision confidential information?

Personal Relationships

Miovision requires that our business practices do not create situations such as conflict of interest or favoritism. This extends to practices that involve employee hiring, contractor arrangements, promotions, compensation and transfers.

Family and personal relationships are permitted at Miovision; however, employees are expected to act professionally, demonstrating individual integrity and mutual respect. We do not permit close relatives, partners, those in an intimate relationship or members of the same household to be in positions that have direct reporting responsibility to each other.

If employees begin an intimate relationship or become relatives, partners, or members of the same household and if one party is in a reporting position, that person is required to inform their leader and HR Business Partner in writing of the relationship.

Each situation is unique, where there is a conflict, or the potential for a conflict of interest because of the relationship between employees, even if there is no direct reporting relationship or authority involved, we will work with employees to ensure appropriate measures are in place to maintain the integrity of the workplace.

At all times, employees are expected to remain free from influence or the appearance of influences, of any conflicting interests.


If you witness or suspect a violation of the Code, whether against yourself, another individual or the company, you may send a question or complaint to your HR Business Partner or Leader. You may also submit a completely confidential complaint or concern through our third-party reporting system, Report It.

Report It is operated by an independent company and is staffed 24/7. Report It allows Employees to document and file a report on any issue including those related to our Code of Conduct, Policies and Security or Facilities incidents. All reports received through Report It are automatically treated as confidential and unless the originator of the report chooses to provide their contact information. Reports are sent directly to the VP, People Operations who will assess and, review as appropriate and escalate as needed or seek external investigation as required.

Our commitment is to ensure that questions and complaints are treated confidentially and that they are expedited to ensure swift response. If your complaint requires a formal investigation Miovision has documented procedures in place to conduct the investigation, and/or engage external legal counsel/investigators and other confidential resources as required.

To use Report It, follow these steps:

Step 1: Get the app by downloading it to your Apple or Android device through your Apple App Store or Google Play Store. You can also watch this video to learn more about how to use the Report It app.

Step 2: From the home screen, select New Report.

Step 3: Enter the Report It code for Miovision: ‘Miovision’

Step 4: You can also call Report It to report an incident at 877-778-5463 to create an anonymous report.

Please note that all employees are required to comply with Miovision’s company and departmental policies, rules, practices and regulations as laid out by the company which are now in force or which may be amended, revised or introduced from time to time.

[Last updated July 30, 2020]


Recap of ITS America Conference & Expo - Phoenix