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Revolutionizing Traffic Data Collection: McElhanney’s Experience With Miovision Scout® Plus

By: Miovision | Nov 22, 2023
Revolutionizing Traffic Data Collection - Miovision

Introduction to Miovision Scout® Plus

Miovision® provides durable, accurate, and reliable traffic management solutions designed to safeguard technicians and road users during traffic study projects.

Our traffic data collection studies empower traffic departments and policymakers to make informed decisions and implement impactful infrastructure changes, contributing to the development of pedestrian-friendly zones and the advancement of sustainable transportation options. These studies also support the creation of environmentally friendly policies aimed at curbing traffic-related pollution and emissions.

Miovision Scout Plus, a portable video-based data collection solution, is tailored to cater to a variety of needs including safety studies, volume counts, TMCs, pedestrian/bicycle pathway and speed data.

Conventional methods of traffic data collection involved installation of road tubes or the dispatching of personnel to manually tally traffic counts and analyze the collected data, which both posed a safety hazard and slowed down the process.

Customer Spotlight: McElhanney

With over 110 years in business, McElhanney, a professional consulting firm, has established itself as a leader in providing an array of services including geomatics, engineering, geospatial, environmental, planning, and landscape architecture.

Catering to a diverse clientele across three main market sectors: Cities, Communities & Parks, Energy & Resources, and Transportation, McElhanney’s footprint extends to the most remote parts of Canada and over 70 countries worldwide.

Here’s what McElhanney said about the Miovision Scout Plus

McElhanney previously used the Miovision Scout solution as a useful tool in their traffic engineering studies and recently deployed the new Miovision Scout Plus in Revelstoke for a comprehensive multimodal study supported by a grant from the Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program (which funds the development of multimodal infrastructure for active transportation modes like bikes and e-scooters).  

This was the first assignment we had the Scout Plus on and the improvements were immense. No more needing to swap batteries on the unit for seven-day counts, more security measures to avoid tampering, and onboard processing.” – Hugo Hernandez, Civil Technologist, McElhanney

Following the introduction of the Scout Plus, McElhanney’s approach to data collection has been streamlined resulting in a more efficient workflow. Equipped with sufficient battery capacity, Miovision Scout Plus can support extended operation making it a cost-effective solution for longer studies or remote locations, alongside its cellular connectivity, remote access is available 24/7 to monitor studies and equipment in the field directly from any offsite location.

McElhanney Shares the Key Benefits of the Miovision Scout Plus

When asked about the top three benefits of the Scout Plus, McElhanney highlighted the following key benefits:

  1. Unmatched battery capacity. “With remote locations we sometimes drive five to – eight hours  for a study, and it’s important to have a reliable product. With the Scout Plus, we’re at nine days uninterrupted study capacity with 3 batteries for onboard processing and up to fifteen days runtime for video recording. The battery life has also been incredibly consistent – a big deal when you consider we don’t  have to go out and swap battery packs on rural projects, which benefits our clients and improves the efficiency and allocation of our field staff.” 
  2. Onboard processing for volume counts and speed. “Scout Plus can accurately capture data for up to 4 lanes, with the onboard processing feature ensuring much faster analysis without the need for uploading massive video files.”
  3. Safe and secure deployment. “The unit is safely deployed at the roadside, with no need to enter the road for setup. The new compact design minimizes the risk of tampering.”

– Anthony McGill, Business Lead Transportation Data Collection, McElhanney

How McElhanney utilizes the capabilities of the Scout Plus

  • Annual count programs for municipalities to understand how they’re growing and where future capital projects are required to improve infrastructure.
  • Highway corridor monitoring to understand both growth and usage statistics. “The classification allows us to understand the different types of vehicles moving along the corridor. For smaller segments of corridors, we’re looking at how intersections near the highway perform to improve flow along the corridor and increase safety.”
  • Grant applications  studies to support the development of infrastructure for walking,  cycling, and similar active transportation methods, funded by the  Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program.
  • Traffic Management and Optimization to help adjust signal timings, implement traffic routing, and deploy resources efficiently to alleviate congestion and reduce travel times.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the Miovision Scout® Plus has improved McElhanney’s traffic counting capabilities and supported the high level of service they provide to their clients.  

From safety studies to post-construction monitoring, the Scout® Plus delivers accurate, reliable data that can be used to make informed decisions and effect positive change in urban environments.

For details about using this innovative solution to revolutionize your own traffic studies, go here now:


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